Mental health & support resources

The following is a list of low cost or subsidized resources available within the Vancouver area.

  • Vancouver Crisis Centre

    Distress Phone Lines
    Crisis Line: 604-872-3311 or 9-8-8
    Toll-free: 1-866-661-3311

    Suicide Crisis Line
    1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433)

    Mental Health Support Line (BC-wide)

    Seniors’ Distress Line

    Canada-Wide Crisis Services
    Call: 1-833-456-4566 or Text: 45645

    Online Chat Services
    Adults: or

    First Nations & Inuit Help Line and Chat (24/7 Support)
    or Chat at

    S.A.F.E.R. (Suicide Attempt Follow-up, Education & Research)

    For Vancouver Residents: People age 19 and over who have made a suicide attempt, are currently suicidal, or have suicidal ideation, and are assessed as fitting program criteria, can receive free individual counselling, advocacy, and hospital liaison. Also provides up to three one-on-one psychoeducational sessions to people concerned about suicide in a significant other. Anyone with concerns related to suicide can speak with an intake worker 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday to Friday.

    Women Against Violence Against Women (WAVAW)
    Rape Crisis Line (24 hrs/day): 604-255-6344, Toll-free: 1-877-392-7583


    Toll-free, confidential, multilingual telephone service available across B.C. and the Yukon 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 1-800-563-0808. It provides information and referral services to all victims of crime and immediate crisis support to victims of family and sexual violence, including victims of human trafficking exploited for labour or sexual services.

  • Anxiety BC

    Provides information to help you understand anxiety, as well as resources and tools to help you manage your anxiety.

    The Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA), BC Division

    Promotes mental health awareness and supports the resilience and recovery of people experiencing mental illness. They provide information resources, educational events, direct services, and research and advocacy.

    Mood Disorders Association of British Columbia

    Provides support and education for those struggling with mood disorders and their families. In addition MDABC provides a rapid mental health assessment walk-in clinic (doctors referral needed) for individuals requiring needing quick access to psychiatric assessment services. Follow up is offered in the form of psycho-educational groups facilitated by doctors.

    Mindfulness Online

    Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MSBR) free online program created by a fully certified MBSR instructor.


    Foundry offers young people ages 12-24 health and wellness resources, services and supports – online and through integrated service centres in six communities across BC.

  • Living a Healthy Life with a Chronic Condition Course (Free)
    Karen Hannah, Program Coordinator
    1-866-902-3767 or

    Free 6 week courses on various chronic pain conditions – Offered though the Centre on Aging, UVIC, funded through BC Ministry of Health. Offered at various cities throughout the province – Course teaches skills such as: developing a suitable exercise program, cognitive symptom management, nutrition management, use of medications, breathing exercises, problem solving, communicating with family, friends and health care providers, dealing with emotions such as anger and depression.

    Parkinson Society British Columbia

    Parkinson Society British Columbia is here to help people with Parkinson's and the people who care about them by providing support services including information and resources, education and consultation.

    Alzheimer Society 

    The Alzheimer Society is the leading not-for-profit health organization working nationwide to improve the quality of life for Canadians affected by Alzheimer's disease and other dementias and advance the search for the cause and cure. Active in communities right across Canada, the Society has programs and services near you.

  • Family Caregivers of British Columbia

    FCBC is a not-for-profit organization that supports caregivers by providing access to information, education, and other supports so that caregivers feel more confident and successful in their important role.  

    HelpGuide: Family Caregiving

    Nonprofit guide to mental health and wellness.

    Caregiver Relief / Respite

    Respite care can give the caregiver temporary relief from the emotional and physical demands of caring for a friend or family member. Respite may take form of service in client’s home, or client maybe admitted on a short-term basis to a residential care facility, hospice or other community care setting.

  • BC Bereavement Helpline
    604-738-9950 or 1-877-779-2223

    Online resources and support groups. Calls are free, confidential, and anonymous and can direct you to grief support in your community.

    An organization providing counselling, advocacy, research, and education services to families experiencing the death of a child.

  • BC NurseLine (24 hrs/day)
    Toll free in BC: 1-866-215- 4700 or Vancouver: 604-215-4700

    Puts you in touch with an RN who will answer your medical questions about symptoms, medications, health concerns, and health resources. Pharmacist available 5pm-9am Mon- Fri. Available in over 130 languages.

    Toll free in BC: 1-800-667-3438 or Vancouver: 604-732-9191

    Provides quality, reliable nutrition services and resource information to British Columbians in 130 languages. Hours of operation: Mon-Fri 9:00am-5:00 pm.

    BC Health Guide

    A variety of web-based info, including the health guide online. Search topic areas include: healthy living, family child and youth health, women’s health, men’s health, senior’s health, aboriginal health, multicultural health, community supports, health tools, Ministry of Health, BC Health Authority, BC Centre for Disease Control.

    604 684-5307 ext. 100

    Non-profit organization that works to improve queer, trans, and Two-Spirit lives. Provide a safer space for LGBTQ/2S people and their allies to fully self-express while feeling welcome and included.

    Address: 1170 Bute Street, Vancouver, BC, V6E 1Z6
    Monday to Friday 10am-6pm

  • Pacifica Treatment Centre

    Provides three levels of in-patient substance addiction treatment – Level I Stabilization, Level II Intensive Therapy, Level III Transition & Re-entry. The co-ed facility aims to promote health and recovery from addiction through treatment, education and support that strengthens individuals, families and communities.

    Central Access – Detox Referral Line
    Toll-free: 1-866-658-1221

    Links people to detox and addiction housing services. Adults who require detoxification receive immediate screening by health care workers, who set up appointment times with the provider that most suits a client’s needs. Will accept methadone-using clients wanting to withdraw from other substances.

    Problem Gambling

    Confidential help line, multi-lingual.

  • Options for Sexual Health

    Non-profit provider of sexual health services through clinics, advocacy, education programs, and the 1-800 SEX SENSE information and referral line.

    Sexual Health Rehabilitation Service

    An opportunity for individuals with a physical disability and their partners or families to express their concerns about sexual health as well as to receive information. Located at 4255 Laurel Street (GF Strong Rehab Centre), Vancouver.


    A Canadian website that offers sexual advice for teens, parents, teachers, and health care professionals.

  • BC Society for Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse

    The BCSMSSA is a non-profit society established to provide therapeutic services for males who have been sexually abused at some time in their lives.

  • BC Seniors Guide

    Home & Community Care

    Publicly subsidized home and community care services provide a range of health care and support services for people who have acute, chronic, palliative or rehabilitative health-care needs.

    Better At Home

    Volunteers and paid staff from local non-profit organizations provide Better at Home services. By helping seniors remain at home longer, they support a diverse, inclusive and vibrant neighbourhood for everyone.  They provide a range of non-medical home support services that vary from community to community and are designed to complement existing services and are based on the unique needs of local seniors. 

    Examples include:
    Friendly visiting
    Light yard work
    Minor home repairs
    Light housekeeping
    Grocery shopping
    Snow shovelling

  • WorkBC

    WorkBC Employment Services Centres support you in finding a job and keeping it. Services are available to all unemployed British Columbians legally eligible to work in B.C.

  • S.U.C.C.E.S.S.

    Multiple locations across BC. A non-profit service agency, which serves diverse communities in BC and strives to encourage Canadians and immigrants to overcome language and cultural barriers, achieve self-reliance, and contribute fully to Canadian society. Located at 28 Pender Street, Vancouver, BC.

    Mosaic Interpretation & Translation Services

    A multilingual non-profit organization dedicated to addressing issues that affect immigrants and refugees in their settlement and integration into Canadian society. Located at 1720 Grant Street, 2nd Floor, Vancouver, BC.

  • Credit Counselling Society

    Providing free credit counselling, budgeting help and planning for debt repayment.